Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Photo Story Reflection

In learning how to post my photo story, I nearly forgot this part of the assignment. For my photo story, I chose the following quote,

"Teachers who inspire, realize there will always be rocks in the road ahead of us. They will be stumbling blocks or stepping stones; it all depends on how we use them."

I chose this quote because I thought it reflected the challenges that I, as a teacher, will face, and that my students will face as well. Whether it be learning disabilities or behavioral issues, or problems at home, teachers and students face challenges each day that interfere with learning. Sometimes the only way to overcome those "stumbling blocks" is to keep pressing forward. I think it is a responsibility upon the teacher to inspire students to keep trying, encourage them to do the best they can, and praise them for their successes. "The Power of One" video is a great example of how one person can be a good influence (or bad). I hope to be a teacher that is inspiring, encouraging and a good influence on my future students.

The process of learning to post the photo story was a bit of a challenge since I have had no experience with that. But I'm glad for the opportunity to become "digitally literate" - finally!!! It's kind of fun and I look forward to learning more.

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